Monday, April 4, 2011

Leyla Palmer

As most of you know our sweet little Leyla joined our family on March 21, 2011 at 7:34 p.m. weighing in at 6 pounds 14 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long.


At my last doctor appointment (the day after my due date) I wasn't progressing at all so my doctor scheduled me to be induced the following Thursday., March 24th. On March 21st at 2:20 a.m. I got up to go to the bathroom but couldn't stop peeing (or so I thought). I was half asleep trying to figure out why I couln't control my bladder. I was hollering for Greg to wake up, but I couldn't get him to wake up. Finally, I was able to get up and wake him up. I told him I thought my water had broke, but I wasn't quite sure. We started googling what it is like when your water breaks. After 45 minutes or so we decided that we needed to head to the hospital. We arrived at the hospital at 3:30 a.m. and got checked in my room. Then the waiting began! They started me on pitocin around 6:00 a.m. and within an hour I was dilated to a 4! At this point I am thinking this is going to be a short process-WRONG! I was not fully dilated to a 10 until 6:30 p.m. The nurse came in around 7:00 and had me start to push. I pushed one time for the nurse and she had to get the doctor because she said the baby was going to come fast. I only had to push for 25-30 minutes max before we got to meet our sweet little girl! I wasn't able to hold her as soon as she came out because she had swallowed meconium and they had to rush in a respritory nurse so they could suck everything out of her lungs before she was able to take her first breath. They worked on her for about 20 minutes before I was able to finally hold her. After we got to hold her for a few minutes they took her from us and transferred her to the NICU. I had spiked a fever during delivery and they were worried she had an infection from going through the birth canal and wanted her to get started on an antibiotic as soon as possible. It wasn't fun being away from her in the hospital, but I am so thankful she is healthy and everything checked out ok. We love her so much and can't even imagine our lives without her! Nights have been ok. For the most part she has slept really good and only wakes up to eat every 3 hours.

I went to the pediatrician today and her stats at 2 weeks are

20 inches long and 7 pounds 8 ounces

Here are some pictures from the past 2 weeks.

Trying to get some sleep while I was waiting

The NICU nurse and repritory nurse working on Leyla right when she was born.

I asked the nurse for warm blankets after I gave birth because I was freezing and shaking so bad!

Daddy's first time holding Leyla

Our first family photo-holy swollen!! Our first time visiting her in the NICU

Daddy's first time feeding her.

Nobody was able to see her in the NICU, so we had our nurse bring her to the window so our families could see her. Daddy is so proud of her!
Right after she left the NICU and was able to come to our room with us for a few hours.

In her car seat ready to go home!

We love her so much and are such proud parents!!


Taryn said...

Oh my goodness karly! She is so dang cute! Congrats, I am so excited for you(:

Taryn said...

Oh I am so glad you posted! She is just sooo cute. You have to blog more now :) Miss you guys and especially that little sweetheart!

Erin Rupp Bowcutt said...

She is beautiful! So glad I got to peek at her the other day! I can't believe you were out and about ..Your a toughy! :)
Congrats to both of you what a special time in your life!!

Jaci said...

Gosh! You should have told me to grab the tissues!! This post made me emotional! :) Must be my pregnancy hormones. Babies are so special-- especially yours Karla!! She is beautiful!!!!

Benji and Anne King said...

Yay! I've been checking for this post ever since we heard the great news. She is BEAUTIFUL! Can't wait to meet her in person. Congratulations--being parents is the absolute best journey ever.

Kelsey said...

She's adorable! I want to meet her!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful little girl! Congratulations on extending your little family to 3!! So happy for you!

The Jensen Family said...

Congrats you guys she is beautiful. Love all the hair. I'm glad she is healthy, having a baby in the NICU is no fun.

sam and kyrsten said...

oh karly and greg she is PRECIOUS! we are sooo happy for you. i am glad everything went well!!! hope everything is going great!

Jeff and Teresa Palmer said...

I need to get some pictures of her to put on the computer, Now life will begin for you two! I feel like no one really understands why we are here on earth until we have someone to take care off, especially when it is a baby or little one that is helpless and totally dependent on you for everything. Congrats guys. Love you