Saturday, June 5, 2010


Here are a few pictures from what we've been up to in 2010.

This January we went to St. George/Vegas with Whitney and Jase. We had so much fun getting away from Logan for a few days. Thanks for the great trip Whit and Jase!! Hopefully we can do it again when we get back!

February was pretty laid back month. Greg and I were both pretty busy with work.

March was a busy month for us. We were able to see our brand new niece, go to disneyland and celebrate Greg's 25th birthday!

I have mixed feelings about April this year. Greg quit his job at the end of March so that he could have a couple weeks off before he left for the summer. We spent so much time together-I loved every minute of it! We were able to go golfing quite a few times together. Greg left a couple days before my birthday to Kansas to sell for the summer. I wasn't able to go with him because we were in the middle of competition season for the studio. I had to stay home until our dance revue was over.

This is at our apartment right before we left to take him to the airport.

May was another busy month. I spent most of my days at the studio and at dance competitions. It helped pass the 5 weeks that was I was away from my sweet husband. On May 21st Greg flew home to come to the dance revue. The next morning we packed our car and drove to Kansas. We were in Kansas for a week and a half and have now moved to Oklahoma City. We will be living here for the next 2 1/2 months. We love it here so far. Greg has been working super hard. Have I ever mentioned how much I love him?? As for me, I am just being a house wife and enjoying the 95 degree weather!


Jaci said...

You are a darling house wife Kar! I love how much you say you love Greg! Love is a beautiful thing! :)
I hope you continue to enjoy Oklahoma City! I know nothing about it, so fill me in! Lots of blog posts please!

Taryn said...

It makes me happy that you posted again (finally!!!) :) Now that you are a happy house wife you can blog lots and lots!!! Love you guys

JaKe and NaT* said...

yay i'm so glad you posted! i have missed them:) you and greg are the cutest couple ever! seriously i think you were MADE for each other and i haven't even hung out with you guys really... i can tell from the pics! so glad your loving oklahoma! post more pics if you do anything fun:)