Monday, January 3, 2011

2010-What a great year!

This past year has been so wonderful! 2010 has allowed Greg and I to do so many fun things and grow closer together than ever before! Here is a recap of our year...
-We started off the new year by going to Vegas/St. George with some of our best friends Whitney and Jase for a mini vacation.

-Nothing exciting happend in February. Greg and I both stayed busy with work.
-We celebrated 2 wonderful years together on March 13th!
- We celebrated Greg's 25th birthday on March 25th.
-We took a week vacation to California and spent 3 days at dinsneyland. (Greg's first time there)

-Celebrated my 25th birthday.
-Greg left me for 5 weeks and moved to Wichita, KS for another year of summer sales.
-I had my first surgery to clear up some endometriosis and found out my appendix was also removed when I woke up!

-Most of May was spent in front of my computer skyping with Greg.
-Greg flew home for our dance review.
-We traveled accross the country to Wichita, KS.
-We moved out of our apartment in KS to an apartment in Oklahoma City.

-Most of June I spent at the pool with the girls or running on the little Oklahoma trails with my sister in the Oklahoma heat!
-Greg was busy working so hard for our little family
-We went to a bunch of triple A baseball games whenever Greg had a day off.

-After many months of trying to get pregnant and after 8 possitive pregnancy tests we realized my surgery was a success and we had a little one on the way!
-We were able to tour downtown (bricktown), go to the zoo and see a couple more baseball games.

-Most of August was spent sitting inside due to the fact that morning sickness was in full effect!
-Greg finished his job!
-We packed up and took the road trip back to Utah (with no air conditioner)
-We spent a day at the Box Elder County Fair and rodeo with some of my best friends!
-Greg purchased his first truck, a 2007 Chevy Silverado 1500.
-My brother and we added another beautiful sister in law to the family.
-Went to Fetal Fotos and was told our little baby was going to be a GIRL!

-Mrs. Blueberry broke down (aka my car) so we purchased our first hyundai.
-Spent a few days at Twin Lakes boating and spending time with family.

-Our 19 week ultrasound confirmed that we are having a baby girl!
-I was able to throw a baby shower for one of my best friends Whitney.
-Greg's good friend from Mongolia came and spent a weekend with us.
-Spent quite a few weekends cheering on the Aggie football team.
-We took our annual four wheeler ride to the top of Mt. Logan with Jim and Sarah.

-We spent many weekends at Aggie basketball games cheering on the team and watching my beautiful sister in law cheer and dance.
-We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner spent with family and friends.
-Greg got PRK surgery on his eyes-goodbye glasses and contacts!

-Mostly spent finishing up our christmas shopping.
-We spent so much time with familiy at family parties or just hanging out chatting all night with family.
-We got spoiled this year for christmas from both families.

I am now 30 weeks pregnant and the countdown is on-10 more weeks until our sweet little girl is here! I can't wait to see what 2011 has in store for our little family!


Tori said...

Good luck on the last 10 weeks, they go crazy fast! Girls are super fun, you guys will be cute parents! Congrats again.

*LC...Lindsey and Chris said...

Great post Karly! Can u believe I posted??? LOL! I love the re-cap of the year...I can't believe the baby is so close-just a few more months! Miss ya-Linz

Taryn said...

She is going to be here so so soon! yay!

Ali and Andrew Hyde said...

What a great year! I love the picture of all of your pregnancy tests- classic! You are kidding me that you are already 30 weeks! HOLY CRAP does time just fly or what!?!?! I am SO excited for you guys!!!

Hxuxcvg said...

Oh I love this post! Except for the PLUMP picture of me :) Hehe... I can't wait for Leyla to be here! IM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!

tyson and ashley said...

Looks like you guys had a great year! This year will be even better with your new sweet babe! :) we are SOOO excited for you guys! You will both be such great parents! And maybe our little ones will get to be in the nursery together at the hospital! ;) That would be so much fun for all of us!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you had endmoetriosis! How do they test for that? Looks like a fun year! I'm excited for you and your little baby girl!!